
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. A peculiar people: that ye should show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvellous light."

1 Peter 2:9

OMAS Royal Academy
Learners today, leaders tomorrow...

⭐ Mission

To develop young scholars with active and creative minds, A sense of understanding, hunger for knowledge and the courage to act on their beliefs. Thus ensuring the total development of each child; Spiritual, Moral, Intellectual, Social, Emotional and Physical.

⭐ Vision

To empower our students to obtain the necessary skills to be successful in the physical, mental and social aspect of their lives. They should be able to effectively use the skills acquired to help identify and vehemently pursue any objectives in a practical manner and to end up as Royalties that they were destined to be.

🏁 School Anthem

We are the light of the world
A Royal priesthood and stars above
To subdue every darkest moment
And emerge as soldiers with victory all the way
We learn by convictions and grow in wisdom
Learning day by day
Learners today leaders tomorrow
That is who we are.
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Happy Birthday 🎂

👑 Prince and Princess of the month

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